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Healing with Red Light Therapy: How Red and Near-Infrared Light Can Manage Pain, Combat Aging, and Transform Your Health (Stephanie Hallett)

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Discover the revolutionary power of low-level laser therapy (aka photobiomodulation) for the pain-free treatment of arthritis, psoriasis, hair loss, acne, cold sores, joint pain, scarring, and more. 

Red light therapy is dramatically changing the world of health care. Studies show using red and near-infrared light can have incredible effects, from managing chronic pain to even slowing the signs of aging. This natural, drug-free, red light therapy treatment can be found at your doctor’s office, spa, and even in the comfort of your own home. 

These at-home lights are increasing in popularity as they become more affordable and accessible online, but using them safely and effectively is crucial. With so many different devices, online advisories, and treatment options, this book is your go-to guide to understanding the ins and outs of this revolutionary therapy. Inside you’ll find information about:

- How light therapy works
- Easy-to-understand breakdown of recent studies
- Different light source devices and types
- The importance of correct dosage
- Treatment of chronic pain, skin aging and other conditions, joint pain, and more

With patient testimonials and interviews with leading health professionals, 
Healing with Red Light Therapy will give you all the tools you need to harness the healing power of light therapy.